What to Know About the White Hat Link Building Service

by | March 10, 2023

If you’re building links to bolster your businesses website SEO efforts, it’s important you are using the right methods to see those results. Though, knowing exactly what accepted practices are can be difficult if you’re also running a business. Luckily, a white hat link building service can help you get the results you want, the way you’re meant to do it. 


What is a White Hat Link Building Service?

Obviously, any link building service is meant to help you build links back to your site. But what is a white hat link building service, and what makes it a “white hat.” The gist of a white hat link building service is that it is any service that improves your search rankings and maintains the integrity of your site. In link building, there are many methods to increase your search rankings, and the industry accepts methods that are ethical and don’t use any tricks to fool the algorithm. Methods that are “dirty” are called “black hat” methods. Algorithms have grown to recognize many black hat methods and have ways to penalize sites that use them. So, finding a white hat link building service you can trust is crucial to the SEO success of your website. 


The main goal of building backlinks is to increase the organic traffic to your website. One of the largest factors for ranking at the top of a search results page is the backlinks you build back to your site. This means your main goal when building links should always be to have the highest quality links possible. The only guaranteed way to receive these high quality links is to avoid cutting corners and use a white hat link building service like BASE.


How Do White Hat Link Building Services Work?

A white hat link building service is meant to be a partner to you in the world of SEO. Typically, a good white hat link building service will help you along every part of the process when attempting to bolster your SEO efforts. This starts as early as assisting in helping you discover keywords to create content around. This means researching the search results page, performing competitor content reviews, and analyzing the overall scope of the types of keywords used in your industry. This ensures the keywords provided have the best potential for your business to rank for, and to provide real results. 

From there, a white hat link building service will often create and publish high quality content targeting the chosen keyword. It’s important this content seems natural and serves your audience in a meaningful way. Anyone can make a piece of content with a keyword included a couple of times, but ensuring the keyword is injected naturally into a high quality piece of content that serves your audience requires a bit more care. After the content is completed a white hat link building service is also key to leveraging partnerships they may have to publish your content on sites that are relevant to your niche and your audience. If the white hat link building service you use has proper relationships you will see much better results for the effort you put in. 


What Kind of Links Should a White Hat Link Building Service Provide?

If you are using a link building service, and aren’t sure if they’re using ethical white hat methods, here are a couple of things you can look for to determine if you are using the right practices. The backlinks the service provides should be from high quality sites. This means they are trustworthy, have high domain authority, and aren’t spammy. You can check this yourself with SEO tools like ahrefs, or by visiting the site and ensuring it is relevant to you. The next thing to look for is DoFollow links. 


DoFollow links are links that allow Google and other search algorithms to crawl a site and point back to your site through that link. DoFollow links are more effective as they allow the passing of link juice from the site you are linked to your own site. Link juice is ultimately what helps your pages rank higher on the search results page. 


Third, a white hat link building service should provide links that follow Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. If the service you are using isn’t aware of these or is willingly subverting them, you might notice your site being suppressed from search results instead of steadily moving up the ranks. 


Finally, a good white hat linking service will make their link inclusions look as natural as possible. The point is not to call them out directly, but instead, to create a piece of content that might naturally raise some questions for those first seeing and then including the link to the answer naturally within the article. This way your audience can easily find more information directly from you. 

Types of Backlinks from White Hat Link Building Services


An editorial backlink is one of the main types of backlinks provided by white hat link building services and is used when your site is the source of information. For example, a high quality site is quoting something directly from an article you created. The best way to earn these is to create high quality evergreen content that can be referred to often by people in your niche. 


Guest Posts

Guest posts are another great way to build backlinks. These are when you or your white hat link building service create a piece of content that is then posted on a partner site with a link back to your site. This helps build backlinks, as well as build your relationship with other high authority businesses in your industry. 


Backlinks From Webinars

With white hat link building services, it’s possible to have content you make, like webinars, featured on other sites as well. This becomes even more useful if you are at an event with a business and they mention your company without linking back to you. The link building service can keep up with non-linked mentions of your business name and reach out to these sites to ensure the links come through. This can help your ranking immensely and helps build your company as a thought leader. 


Link building is a crucial aspect of increasing website traffic and getting a higher ranking on the SERP. White hat link-building is the best link building technique that will maintain your website’s integrity. All of BASE’s backlinks are white hat and we can help you acquire these links here.



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